Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Projects: Give in Recognition

Give in Recognition

Give a Gift in Recognition to a caregiver or someone special by making a donation to Peace Arch Hospital Foundation in honour of their name.

Whether the gift is made in appreciation for wonderful care, a tribute to a loved one, or in celebration of a milestone, your donation is a special and unique way to honour someone personally.

Give in Appreciation

Express your gratitude to a nurse, doctor, technologist, or the entire medical team with a gift in recognition that not only honours them but demonstrates how much you appreciated the care they provided for you and your loved ones. Making a gift of appreciation will touch each staff member personally and the caregiver you choose to honour will receive a card notifying them of your gift along with a lapel pin.

Please contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520 for more information on Appreciation gifts. 

Purchase a Birthday Wall Baby Tile

The birth of a baby is one of life’s greatest moments! 

Why not celebrate with a special tribute to your baby, grandchild, or littlest loved one on the Peace Arch Hospital Birthday Wall at the entrance to the maternity unit? This commemorative tile is a wonderful way to celebrate a new life and support the purchasing of vital medical equipment for Peace Arch Hospital.

Give a Tribute Gift

An ‘in memory’ donation is a meaningful way to pay tribute to the life of a loved one and honour their legacy through a gift to Peace Arch Hospital in their name. We can help by supplying donation forms for use at memorial services and Celebrations of Life, creating a personalized online tribute page to recognize your loved one, and providing the next-of-kin with a list of those who have made a gift.

Please contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520 for more information on personalized tribute pages and donation forms. 

Give in Celebration

If you’re celebrating a special occasion like a birthday, an anniversary, a graduation, or a retirement, a donation to Peace Arch Hospital Foundation in an individual’s name is a meaningful way to honour a milestone. These thoughtful gifts can be directed towards the area or program that has special meaning to the honouree, and creates a lasting memory of the occasion.

Please contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520 for more information on Celebration / Tribute gifts. 

Share Your Story

Have you experienced great care at Peace Arch Hospital and want to recognize a member of the medical staff? We would love to hear your story! Simply fill out the form and we’ll share it on our website.