As part of the Foundation’s commitment to ensuring our community is the healthiest possible, we have partnered with Sport for Life, a national not-for-profit organization that strives to improve the health and lives of all Canadians. Our innovative Move for Life project brings community leaders together to spearhead a five-year Physical Literacy for Communities initiative in the areas of education, recreation, sport, health and media.

This project supports the importance of physical activity for generations to come, with current interests including Prescriptions to Get Active, Fitness and Mobility Exercise (FAME Program), Cardiac Rehabilitation, Multi-Sport Collaboration, and Physical Literacy Mentorship in local elementary schools.

Recently, Move for Life has partnered with Alex House Board Member, Janet Petras. Petras is the Director of High Performance Programs & Administration at Tennis Canada leading both the Olympic and Paralympic programs, and is an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Paralympic Committee. With her knowledge, Move for Life will ensure that people of all abilities can take part in their programs. As a community leader, Petras can advocate for disabled individuals and share insights on how to better include everyone in Move for Life programs. Peace Arch Hospital Foundation feels passionate about ensuring that people of all ages and all abilities have access to programming that supports a healthy life.

Join our movement to make a lasting impact on community health for all who live in White Rock and South Surrey! Whether it’s spreading the word on physical literacy, joining one of these programs, or making a gift, everything makes a difference in ensuring our community is living the healthiest life possible. Peace Arch Hospital will always be here if you need it, but with committing to being as healthy as possible, hopefully you won’t!

To learn more or donate now, visit HERE.