Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Projects: Meet Your Match for Medical Imaging Campaign

Meet Your Match for Medical Imaging Campaign

Advanced medical imaging plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Without it, radiologists are often confronted with low-quality or inconclusive images, leading to prolonged waits and suboptimal patient experiences. Delayed diagnoses can exacerbate suffering, underscoring the critical need for timely and precise imaging technologies.

We’re nearing our fundraising goal to upgrade our equipment at Peace Arch Hospital, which will enable faster, more accurate diagnoses, reducing wait times and enhancing patient outcomes. Your support now is vital to help us reach the finish line. Your contribution will make a significant impact and inspire others in our community to give generously.

Plus, our partners at the Surrey and White Rock Fire Fighters Charitable Associations have pledged to MATCH ALL DONATIONS DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR up to $500,000! This means that your gift now will have double the impact.

Can we count on you to contribute towards this transformative initiative? DONATE NOW – ALL GIFTS MATCHED! 



of $10M goal reached.

"It is so heartbreaking for me when patients come to our hospital seeking answers for their health concerns, only to face long wait times or the frustration of blurry or inconclusive images due to outdated equipment. These situations delay diagnoses and prolong suffering. Things must change."
Dr. Bippan Sangha, Department Head of Radiology at Peace Arch Hospital

Medical Imaging Equipment


An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body’s internal structures without radiation. It helps diagnose various conditions such as brain injuries, tumours, and heart abnormalities.


Digital X-ray machines use digital sensors to capture images of the inside of the body. They provide detailed pictures of bones, organs, and tissues using low doses of radiation. Digital X-rays are commonly used to diagnose fractures, infections, and other medical conditions quickly and efficiently.


A Fluoroscopy Machine uses X-rays to create real-time moving images of the inside of the body. It’s commonly used during medical procedures to guide interventions and diagnose conditions like gastrointestinal issues or heart abnormalities.


A Gamma Camera detects gamma rays emitted by radioactive substances in the body, creating images that show how these substances are distributed. It’s used in nuclear medicine to diagnose conditions like cancer and heart disease.


Ultrasound machines use high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body. They’re commonly used to visualize organs, tissues, and blood flow without radiation. Ultrasounds help diagnose conditions like pregnancy complications, abdominal issues, and heart conditions.

Now is the perfect time to get involved! Your contribution will greatly impact our medical teams, enabling them to provide even better care. Give today, and your donation will be doubled, making twice the difference!